Sunday, April 17, 2011

The first post hump

Well this week has been rather interesting, and it will only get crazier! Jason was in the field all week, so I spent the week trying to, well, just get through the week quickly! It was great having Starbuck back, and so well behaved. He is such great running buddy, and it is s wonderful with the weather being warm and breezy. I could run all day! Not really. I did totally wipe out on Friday though. My Pride was hurt more than anything :).
I was so happy to have Jason back on Friday! He has a massive project due Tuesday, so thats really all he did all weekend, but he took me out Friday night, and I think I talked both of his ears off. It's crazy, I was looking at his schedule this week, and he will be gone or doing projects from May 16- June 3!!! so tonight I told him, I will see you in July when we move to California :). God has been so good to us through all this hectic-ness. We can count on the fact that he will still be as the next couple months will be a whirlwind! We are very ready to find out our base that we will be stationed at.
Last,a little food for thought... Our preacher at church this morning spoke on our prayer lives. It was definitely rebuking to reflect on how weak this part of my relationship with God is. Bt, He WANTS me to talk to him! We were reminded that sometimes, God wants us to be very consistent, in order to change His mind! I was reminded of a certain issue I had "given up" praying for, thinking they would never happen. It was a blessing to be reminded that God never gives up on me, even though I fail Him daily. I should never give up on asking for help from the one who never fails!!
Sorry this post is so lame, I will figure out how to make it more interesting with pictures on another day. Peace be unto you!!!