Monday, August 29, 2011

A boy and his dog

Jason and I decided to introduce Starbuck to the Pacific Ocean on Sunday evening. He loves the water, and this summer while at the cabin with our families in Minnesota, we were able to teach him to jump off the dock. He would swim all day if we let him! He loved the ocean just as much, but, like always, was a little scared at first. Nothing that couldn't be changed by a little play time with Jason.

Even more exciting was Jason recieving his first promotion, from 2nd Lt to 1st Lt!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to 1ST Lt. Jason Floyd! That is indeed an exciting day! Also, I'm so glad that my husband could inspire others by his manly-man, neon short shorts. I used to make so much fun of him for wearing them, but he assured me that they were cool. I guess all his GQ reading has paid off and maybe he was right after all:) Anyways, looks like ya'll are having fun. Miss you both (or all 3 I should say- I miss seeing Starbuck too:)
